The Genius Lid is an international invention that replaces the traditional beehive cover with Patent No. PCT/GR2006/000006 and is one of the most amazing equipment of modern beekeeping.
The Genius Lid refers to the beehive cover, which now has a roof that opens and closes. Under the roof there is a trough for provision of liquid food or water and an interior transparent lid to inspect the beehive, provide solid food and spray liquids.
Check the study for The Genius Lid held by Aristotele University of Thessaloniki here
The Genius Lid is an international invention that replaces the traditional beehive cover with Patent No. PCT/GR2006/000006 and is one of the most amazing equipment of modern beekeeping.
The Genius Lid refers to the beehive cover, which now has a roof that opens and closes. Under the roof there is a trough for provision of liquid food or water and an interior transparent lid to inspect the beehive, provide solid food and spray liquids.
Check the study for The Genius Lid held by Aristotele University of Thessaloniki here
Produced exclusively by BeeNectar.
This patent was distinguished among a number of other worldwide patents for its originality and usability and was awarded the Gold Medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions held in Geneva, Switzerland.
Using The Genius Lid the beekeeper: • Inspects the interior of the hive • Provides the bees with solid and liquid food • Sprays liquids for stimulation or treatment • Accomplishes any other activities that are necessary for the hive management
All these procedures can be done easily and quickly even in adverse weather conditions, any time of day (even at night) without disturbing the bees, without smoking and without removing the lid.
The traditional cover only covers the beehive, giving air a way in and out through the ventilation slots. To do any work on the bees, the cover must be removed from the hive in a violent way because it has been glued with propolis by the bees, resulting in the aggravation and stress of the bees, demanding a lot of time and work from the beekeeper and making smoking obligatory. Smoking, however, transfers toxic substances to the products of bees. Also, the irritation that occurs causes honey and pollen consumption, some bee deaths, as well as robbing from neighboring beehives.
On the contrary, The Genius Lid not only covers the beehive, but it also enables work to be done inside the hive regardless of the weather conditions and without having to remove the lid. As a result, smoking is not necessary, the beekeeper has less work load and therefore, less time is needed. The fact that no smoking is required means that there is no toxic residue transferred to the products of the bees (honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, wax). Moreover, the bees are not irritated and thus, honey and pollen consumption as well as robbing from neighboring beehives are avoided. Furthermore, with The Genius Lid, the beekeeper prevents bee diseases, since he is able to visually inspect the bees inside the hive, without disturbing them or being disturbed. The Genius Lid is removed only when it is necessary to take off or add one or more hive frames.
The Genius Lid is perfect for Langstroth hives of 10 frames or any other type of hive on which The Genius Lid can properly fit. Its outer dimensions are 51,5cm x 41,4cm x 7cm and its internal dimensions are 45,8cm x 35,8cm fitting perfectly in plastic or wooden hives of corresponding dimensions, while it weights 2,7kg. It is made of 100% recyclable plastic material with outstanding impact resistance (ABS) which allows to stack beehives without any problem (e.g. during transportation).
The Genius Lid is packed in boxes that contain 10 pieces. The dimension of each box is 55,7cm x 43,5cm x 71,7cm and weighs 28kg.
Distributed exclusively by BeeNectar
• Reduction of beekeeper’s work load by 90% • Fast and direct inspection of the interior of the hive • Easy and quick provision of solid or liquid food and water • Smoker is only needed when the hive frames have to be taken off • Rapid diagnosis of diseases, thus preventing their transmission • Avoidance of unnecessary opening of the hive • Reduction of beehive moisture • Better hive insulation • Better hive ventilation • Avoidance of robbing
As a result, with the right use of The Genius Lid the beekeeper becomes more competitive at the international market by achieving the following: • Decrease the production costs • Increase the production of honey by at least 30% • Faster growth of bee colonies up to 40% • Production of healthier products, due to significant reduction of smoking and medicine use • Improvement of the microclimate of the hive • Respect for the bees’ welfare
Proper installation and use of The Genius Lid, according to the instructions below, is a prerequisite for highlighting its advantages and achieving the results in the “Description” and “Advantages”.
1) Placing The Genius Lid on the beehive First, mark the spots between the ventilation slots (9) on both anterior and posterior part of the beehive where you will open the holes for the retention system (e.g. beehive fastener) that will be used to fix The Genius Lid on the beehive. Then, with a drill of at least 0.5mm smaller than the screw you are going to use, drill to a depth of 25mm. Then, place screws 25mm in length and 3mm thick or others in your estimation. Caution: incorrect fitting of The Genius Lid fasteners or the placement of The Genius Lid on a deformed hive may result in its distortion in the long term.
2) Positioning The Genius Lid is always positioned so that the liquid supply trough (3) is at the posterior part of the hive, i.e. not towards the beehive entrance. Caution: note that the beehive must normally have a small incline towards the beehive entrance facilitating the liquid supply from the liquid supply trough.
3) Liquid supply trough (3) Lift the two roof lock clips (7) on both sides applying a small downward pressure on the roof of the lid (1) and then open it. The liquid supply trough (3) is located just under the roof of the lid (1) which is used to put liquid sugars (syrup) or water. Caution: the first time you are going to put liquid inside the liquid supply trough (3), incline the beehive toward its entrance in order for a small amount of this liquid to be poured inside the beehive. Repeat this process in case you put a liquid after a long period of time (this process should be done in order bees to realize from where they will receive the liquid)
4) Inner transparent lid (5) Adjacent to the above mentioned liquid supply trough (3) there is an inner transparent lid (5) that opens and closes giving the possibility to: • Inspect the beehive • Place solid food on the top of hive frames • Place medicines or anything else needed into the hive • Spray the bees for stimulation and/or treatment
5) Covers of ventilation slots (8) Open or close the covers of ventilation slots (8) that are located in front of them depending on the weather conditions so that the bee colonies can maintain ideal conditions inside the beehive. During transportation of the beehives, the covers of the ventilation slots (8) must be fastened at an open position.
6) Removal of The Genius Lid First, close the roof of the lid (1) and the roof lock clips (7) and then The Genius Lid is removed by placing the scraper in one of the four scraper placement slots (10) located on the sides.
7) Maintenance - Protection of The Genius Lid You shouldn’t place hot objects (e.g. smoker) on The Genius Lid. If it is necessary to clean The Genius Lid, it is suggested being cleaned with the use of a clean sponge and hot water or chemicals that do not affect plastic. If necessary, you can wash each piece of The Genius Lid separately by disassembling it carefully. Care should be also given when you reassemble the pieces.
The Genius Lid comes with a 5-year warranty.
The Genius Lid can withstand temperatures from -40oC to +60oC. At temperatures lower than -20oC, intense and sudden impacts must be avoided.
During the warranty, repair is offered for free regarding manufacturing errors.
Transport costs are borne solely by the buyer.
The warranty does not cover scratches from sharp objects, damage from misuse and loss of parts. However, there will be continuous support for any spare parts you might need.
The warranty ceases in the event of using spare parts not originating from the BeeNectar spare parts series.
Claims that differ or extend beyond this warranty will be excluded, with the exception of those that are expressly provided for by applicable law. We reserve the right to determine the way, time and place of repair at our discretion.
• The company bears no responsibility for failing to achieve the expected results or for any technical or other problem occurring in the future if they are results of poor installation or misuse of the lid.
• Even though The Genius Lid reduces the beehive moisture (according to the study held by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), in very few cases, moisture may appear on the internal insulation of the roof of the lid (2). This is due to the intense activity of the bee colony (evaporation of water that nectar and syrup contains). In the traditional cover, moisture is not easily noticeable because it is gathered inside the beehive contrary to The Genius Lid where the moisture raises over the inner transparent lid (5) and is gathered on the inner part of the roof of the lid (2). Thus, the moisture inside the beehive is less.
Spare parts can be purchased from our dealers
Tips for The Genius Lid
After inspection of your beehive through the inner transparent lid (5), you can use the inner part of the roof of the lid (2) to record the population of your beehive (according the populated hive frames) or anything else you consider important using a marker which can be erased later with alcohol and thus you can check the evolution of the hive on your next visit.
• If the bee colony population has decreased when it has been expected to increase, you have to check the cause. In case the decrease is due to an infectious disease, it would be preferable the beehive(s) with the infected bee colony(ies) be taken away the apiary and ask for advice from the veterinarian that supervises your apiary to prevent potential disease transmission to the rest of the beehives. This leads to the prevention of the disease transmission with less medicines and overall healthier bee colonies. Now, this process is easy thanks to The Genius Lid.
Since provision of liquid is quick and easy with The Genius Lid, for the stimulation of the bee colonies, it is preferable to put syrup in the liquid supply trough (3) very often, even on a daily basis, to have better results. Even greater stimulation can be achieved by spraying the syrup over the populated hive frames opening the inner transparent lid (5). Whatever process you select, you need to repeat the process very often, even on daily basis.
Although the liquid supply trough has a capacity of 2L, it is recommended that the placement of syrup be done in smaller amounts and more frequently.
For easy and quick building of honeycombs in periods that there is lack of nectar secretion, it is recommended to place at least 1kg of syrup on a daily basis (there has to be pollen)
Placing water in the liquid supply trough (3) contributes to the avoidance of disease transmission to the bee colonies caused by polluted water and simultaneously the avoidance of unnecessary movements of them.
The Genius Lid is perfect for rapid growth of new bee colonies and helps greatly in raising queen bees.
Check the experimental results of the Genius Lid here