Find the ideal feeding scheme for your bee colonies!
Answering a few questions, you will find everything you need to improve your production.Note : If you have different groups of bee colonies and/or different goals, repeat the process for each group.
Select one of the following
My bee colonies are infected by Varroasis and/or Nosemosis or I want to prevent a subsequent infection.
My bee colonies are infected by Ascosphaerosis, Varroasis and/or Nosemosis or I want to prevent a subsequent infection.
My bee colonies are infected by Ascosphaerosis or I want to prevent a subsequent infection.
My bee colonies are healthy
Select one of the following
My bee colonies bring a lot of pollen from the environment
My bee colonies bring a little pollen from the environment
My bee colonies don’t bring any pollen from the environment
Select one of the following
My beehives have 6 or more populated frames
My beehives have up to 5 populated frames
Select one of the following
My goal is the growth of the bee colonies.
My goal is the maintenance of the bee colonies.